OnSite Power Production At The Location

Our customized AESRPT-ES is an advanced energy storage solution that stores electricity power generated by renewable and alternative sources. Our OnSite AESRPT-ES system will also manage the energy storage process while integrating with the grid or as a Island solution. Our energy storage solution can also reduce your on grid electricity consumption when utilized with other renewable resources. When considering energy storage the first question to ask is: what is the energy problem that I am trying to solve? A 3KW system will produce about 6kwh of power, 6KW will produce 12kwh, our 15Kw will produce 30kwh of power. Customized solutions are available.

The AESRPT-ES can function independent of the Grid with power cells and other renewable sources. The AESRPT-ES is designed with an internal charging technology for the energy storage modules. The system can be programed to automatically switch to utilize energy storage when there is no other power source. The system can also be programed to switch automatically and utilize on grid power while charging the energy storage unit. 

Energy Storage- On Site, Off Site and in Real Time

The changing nature of energy resources will increase the need for energy storage in both supply and demand. The benefits of electric energy storage include increasing grid reliability, reducing system transmission congestion, helping manage load, and making renewable electricity sources more suitable as base load providers. 

AESRPT-ES will also help accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by compensating for the variability of wind and solar. The system is designed with energy storage modules and work with external power sources to charge the modules. The AESRPT-ES system makes these sources more predictable, allowing them to be more seamlessly integrated.

Problems Our AESRPT -ES Solution Can Solve;

Electricity Saving:

In the daytime or night use the electricity stored, reduce peak time energy consumption and reduce electric bill.

Wind & Solar:

If an electricity system has, or plans to have, significant amounts of variable renewable electricity (such as wind and solar), then energy storage will be needed. Energy Storage solutions will fill in the gaps when renewables have reduced output and thus allow for renewables to provide a greater fraction of total electricity while maintaining system reliability.

Diesel Generators:

Most power plants, particularly those fueled by diesel, are much more efficient at full load, and efficiency drops off rapidly at lower loads. A related problem is that many diesel generators cannot operate below about 30% of their rated capacity, meaning that they must operate at 30% even if demand is lower than that. Diesel fuel can be expensive and, for remote locations, diesel fuel deliveries can be unreliable. Storage can help reduce diesel consumption by shifting the diesel generators’ operating characteristics such that they operate at optimum efficiency, which is typically at or near peak load. When load drops, the diesel generator simply shuts off and allows the storage to meet the load.

Power Generating Resources:

If generating resources are sufficient to meet average demand but struggle to meet peak demand, then storage can help by filling in the gap between average and peak demand as long as demand does fall below average sufficiently often to recharge the storage. Here again, storage can be thought of as a “matchmaker” between generation and demand.

System Transmission Constrained:

If an electricity system is transmission-constrained (for example, due to an inability to site additional transmission), then distributed storage (that is, storage located downstream of the transmission constraint) can post pone or eliminate the need for transmission capacity upgrades. The storage would typically be charged at night when system demand is lower and then tapped to fill in unmet demand during the day.

Capturing Excess Electricity:

Storage can help capture excess electricity, such as that produced by other alternative and renewables   when the load is low and make it available at peak times when it is needed.

Distribution line Quality:

If a system has difficulty meeting demand or maintaining power quality at the ends of the distribution system, then relatively small amounts of distributed storage can be a less expensive alternative than distribution system upgrades.

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